Classes are the basic units of programming in the object-oriented paradigm. In this tutorial, learn to write Java class and how to create object in Java.
February 23, 2023
Classes are the basic units of programming in the object-oriented programming. In this Java tutorial, learn to write classes and how to create new objects of a class in Java.
1. Difference between a Class and an Object
In Java, objects are containers like data structures that have state and behavior. Ideally, objects represent the actors in the system or the application.
For example, in a Human Resource application, the main actors are Employee, Manager, Department, Report, etc.
The classes are the template that describes the state and behavior of its objects. A class can be used to create multiple objects. which are similar in structure but can have different states.
An object is an instance of a class.
2. How to Create a Class?
The general syntax for declaring a class in Java is as follows:
> class > < // fields and members of the class >
public class Main < // Empty body for now >
2.2. Types of Classes
In Java, we can have two types of classes:
3. Components of a Java Class
In Java, classes are used as templates to create objects. A class in Java may consist of five primary components. i.e.
Fields and methods are also known as class members. Constructors and both initializers are used during the initialization of the class i.e. creating objects using the class template.
Constructors are used for creating objects of a class. We must have at least one constructor for a class (if we don’t declare explicitly then JVM injects the default constructor for us).
Initializers are used to initialize fields of a class. We can have zero or more initializers of static or instance types.
Fields of a class represent properties (also called state attributes) of objects of that class. The fields are declared inside the body of the class. The general syntax to declare a field in a class is:
Suppose every object of the ‘Human‘ class has two properties: name and gender. The Human class should include declarations of two fields: one to represent the name and one to express gender.
public class Human
Here the Human class declares two fields: name and gender. Both fields are of the String type. Every instance (or object) of the Human class will have a copy of these two fields.
3.2. Methods or Functions
A Java method is a collection of statements that are grouped together to operate. Methods are generally used to modify the state of class fields. Methods also can be used to delegate tasks by calling methods in other objects.
In Java, methods may –
public class Human < private String name; private String gender; public void eat() < System.out.println("I am eating"); >>
A constructor is a named block of code that is used to initialize an object of a class immediately after the object is created. The general syntax for a constructor declaration is:
> >(>) throws > < // Body of constructor goes here >
3.4. Instance Initialization Block
We saw that a constructor is used to initialize an instance of a class. An instance initialization block, also called instance initializer, is also used to initialize objects of a class.
An instance initializer is simply a block of code inside the body of a class, but outside of any methods or constructors. An instance initializer does not have a name. Its code is simply placed inside an opening brace and a closing brace.
Note that an instance initializer is executed in the instance context, and the keyword this is available inside the instance initializer.
public class Main < < //instance initializer block >>
public class Main < //instance initializer < System.out.println("Inside instance initializer"); >//constructor public Main() < System.out.println("Inside constructor"); >public static void main(String[] args) < new Main(); >>
Inside instance initializer Inside constructor
3.5. Static Initialization Block
A static initializer cannot throw checked exceptions. It cannot have a return statement.
public class Main < //static initializer static < System.out.println("Inside static initializer"); >//constructor public Main() < System.out.println("Inside constructor"); >public static void main(String[] args) < new Main(); >>
The program output:
Inside static initializer Inside constructor
4. How to Create a New Object
In Java, to create an object from a class, use new keyword along with one of its constructors.
> > = new >; //e.g. Human human = new Human();
Remember, when we do not add a constructor to a class, the Java compiler adds one for us. The constructor that is added by the Java compiler is called a default constructor. The default constructor accepts no arguments. The name of the constructor of a class is the same as the class name.
The new operator is followed by a call to the constructor of the class whose instance is being created. The new operator creates an instance of a class by allocating the memory in a heap.
5. The ‘null’ Reference Type
Java has a special reference type called null type. It has no name. Therefore, we cannot define a variable of the null reference type. The null reference type has only one value defined by Java, which is the null literal. It is simply null.
The null reference type is assignment compatible with any other reference type. That is, we can assign a null value to a variable of any reference type. Practically, a null value stored in a reference type variable means that the reference variable is referring to no object.
// Assign the null value to john Human john = null; // john is not referring to any object john = new Human(); // Now, john is referring to a valid Human object
Note that null is a literal of the null type. We cannot assign null to a primitive type variable, and that’s why the Java compiler does not allow us to compare a primitive value to a null value.
That’s all for this very basic tutorial about creating classes in java.