Special consideration for an assessment

At some point during your study at AUT, your ability to attempt or prepare for an assessment may be seriously affected by exceptional circumstances beyond your control. If this happens, you can apply for special consideration for that assessment.

How to apply for special consideration

You must submit completed applications with supporting evidence no later than 5 working days from the assessment due date.

If you don't have a valid reason for missing the due date or have not notified your AUT teaching department within the required time, you will receive a failing grade for your assignment or examination.

To apply for special consideration:

Permissions request

When you're accessing the tool for the first time, you'll be asked by Microsoft to approve access to the new software. Make sure you click on ‘accept’ and proceed.

Examples of exceptional circumstances

Exceptional circumstances can be due to:

The specific requirements for your application will depend on the situation and are explained in the Special Consideration Application (SCA) form.


COVID-19 continues to affect students’ lives and health. You can apply for a special consideration for assessment if you have COVID-19 and are unwell or you’re needing to isolate. You can also apply if you're suffering from ongoing health effects due to COVID-19 or your whānau or household has been seriously affected by COVID-19. Use the ‘Medical’ reason for application.

Medical or other evidence needs to be provided (though delays in accessing medical care through no fault of your own can be taken into account).

Exceptional circumstances do not include:

Short extensions – new in 2024

If you don't have exceptional circumstances but simply need a couple of extra days to submit your assessment, you can apply for a short extension (3 days). You don't need to provide evidence for a short extension.

You can only have one short extension per course. If you need further extensions for the same course, you'll then need to provide evidence of exceptional circumstances.

Important things to note about short extensions

Student Impairment Report

If you need support with extensions on assessments and are applying under medical impairments or emotional/mental wellbeing impairments, you need to provide a completed Student Impairment Report to accompany your Special Consideration Application form.

The Student Impairment Report must be completed by a suitably qualified person. You can connect with our support services below to organise a report. If you’re seeing an external practitioner, you should download the Student Impairment Report so they can complete it for submission.

Medical impairments

For medical impairments, registered nurses at the AUT Student Medical Centre can complete the Student Impairment Report for your Special Consideration Application.

Emotional or mental impairments

For emotional/mental wellbeing impairments, a qualified advisor at the Student Hub can assess you for a Student Impairment Report.

To find a qualified advisor at your closest Student Hub:

  1. Visit My AUT and log in
  2. Click on 'Make a booking'
  3. Select 'Book a Student Hub appointment'
  4. Click on the ‘Special Consideration Application’ button

Student Counselling and Mental Health services are also available for appointments if you have urgent or ongoing needs for counselling and/or mental health support.​

AUTSA support

AUT Students' Association (AUTSA) has advocates who are there to provide advice and support while you’re studying at AUT. Contact them if you're having difficulties with the process or feel the outcome of your Special Consideration Application was unfair.

Contact us

The Hub

Need help or have a question?

Contact the Student Hub throughout your studies at AUT.