APA 7: In-Text Citations


Guidance from APA Style, Purdue OWL, & Excelsior OWL

In-text citation is covered in Chapter 8 of the APA Publication Manual

From APA Style. From Purdue OWL. From Excelsior OWL.

Basic In-Text Citation Guidelines

In-text citation refers to the brief citations included within the text of your paper. They point your reader to the full citation at the end of your paper.

Parenthetical vs. narrative in-text citation

In APA, the in-text citation is generally placed in parenthesis at the end of your sentence with the author's last name and year.

The page number is also required if you are directly quoting from a source.

The period goes after/outside the parenthesis.

You can also include the author's name in the text itself and simply place the year in parenthesis after the author's last name.

Direct Quotations

Page/paragraph numbers are required for direct quotations.

Shorter than 40 Words