Ethics & Professional Responsibility

A list of the latest Practice Directions and Guidance Notes issued by the Council of the Law Society may be found below. Selected Practice Directions and Guidance Notes have been expunged for one or more of the following reasons:

Click on the headers to view the Practice Directions and Guidance Notes on a particular topic.

1. Conduct of Proceedings

1. Client’s Interest

2. Communication with the Court

  1. Vacating Dates Fixed for Hearing (Expunged)

3. Conduct of Criminal Prosecutions by Legal Practitioners

4. Court Etiquette

  1. Extension of Time
  2. Punctuality for Court Hearings

5. Dealings with Witnesses

6. Duty to the Court

  1. Attestation of Documents
  2. Duty of Legal Practitioner to Lay Information of Criminal Offence

7. Legal Practitioner not to Act if he is a Witness